Editorial Team
Directive Board
President of the DIRECTIVE BOARD |
Jeffrey Owens. Director of the W.U. Global Tax Policy Center (WU GTPC) at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law W.U. (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Vienna, Austria For over 20 years, Jeffrey led the OECD tax work, and now he is the Director of the WU Global Tax Policy Center (WU GTPC) at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, WU). He also serves as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Global Vice Chair of Tax at EY, and as a Senior Advisor to the United Nations Tax Committee, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and UNCTAD and a number of regional tax administration organizations as well as being involved with a number of NGOs |
Director & |
Eva Andrés Aucejo. Professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Barcelona. Extraordinary award in both Ph.D. in Law and in Law Degree. Economic Sciences and Business Degree. Researcher and consultant of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development of the World Bank. Stakeholder of the United Nations International Tax Committee (2019-22). Director of the Education and Law Review (WoS JCR & SCOPUS). Director of the Excellence Network INTAXCOOP&GOV: “The Global Observatory on Tax Agencies”. Visiting researcher at Harvard University, European University Institute, Università ‘La Sapienza’, Università di Firenze, di Bologna; IBFD; London School of Economics, Leeds University (UK), Georgetown University (Washington, DC), the World Bank (Washington, DC). |
Co-Director |
Andreu Olesti-Rayo. Full Professor of Public International Law at the University of Barcelona. Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona. His main field of specialization is in European Union Law. Bachelor and PhD in Law (1991). Bachelor in Economics (1986) and Law (1985). He is currently the Director of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Science and Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Barcelona. Director of PROJECT: EUROFUTURUM – PGC1028-094489-B100 and the Consolidated Group: DIDUE- 2017 SGR1371 |
Mézang Akamba. Expert/Delegate for the Economic and Financial Committee of the United Nations. United Nations, Second Committee, ECOSOC, New York, EE.UU. |
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Monica Calijuri Sionara. Monica Calijuri (PhD in Accounting, Sao Paulo University, and a B.A. in Economics). Lead Sector Specialist in tax administration at the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB). She specializes in modernizing tax administration in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries through capacity building and digitalization. Previously, she worked for the Brazilian Tax Administration and the IMF. |
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Antoni Font Ribas. Professor Emeritus of Commercial Law at the University of Barcelona. |
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Cristina García-Herrera Blanco. Director of Research and Studies in the Institute for Fiscal Studies (Spanish Ministry of Finance). Associate professor of financial and tax law at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Member of several financial ministry commissions of experts and working groups: the technical committee in the Spending Review in the AIReF Tax Benefits Assessment project (2019-2020), Working group on tax conflicts (Spanish Tax Agency), Working Group of Offsetinf of tax loss carryforwards, (State Secretary for Finance, 2019), etc. |
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Juan Lopez Rodríguez. Ph.D. in law, expert in tax law and policy, in its regional, national, international and European aspects, with more than 25 years of experience in bodies in charge of fiscal and tax policies (Economic and Finance Ministry of the Spanish Government and the Commission Services). Tax Policy Adviser at European Commission. |
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Juan Martín Queralt. Former Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the Faculty of Law of Valencia. Extraordinary award in Law degree. Extraordinary Award in PhD from the University of Bologna (Italy). Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia. Dean at the Faculty of Murcia. Doctor Honoris Causa from the Jaime I University of Castellón. Director of various scientific tax journals. Director of the LLM Tax Law in Valencia. He was Director-General of Taxes of the Valencian Government from 1982 to 1985. He has also held important positions in the Ministries of Spain. |
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Marco Nicoli: Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank: former Senior Project Manager Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development Senior Knowledge Management Officer from the World Bank. Special officer of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) |
Xavier Pons R`àfols: Full Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona on Public International Law. Professor and researcher with extensive experience in high university academic management. |
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Joan Francesc Pont Clemente. Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the University of Barcelona, Academician of the Royal of Economic and Financial Sciences and the Royal European of Doctors. He is president of the Francisco Ferrer y Guardia Foundation and the Eugen Bleuler Foundation. |
Antonio Remiro Brotons. Emeritus International Public Law in the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has been counsel and lawyer for many governments, including the Spanish government, in public international law and awarded the Honoris Causa Degree from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Lecturer at several higher education and research institutions, among them Panthéon-Assas University, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, El Colegio de México and the Hague Academy of International Law. |
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Julius Sen. Former Associate Director and Senior Programme Manager at LSE Enterprise and LSE IDEAS, is an LSE Expert on regulation, governance, trade and public policy and a member of the International Trade Policy Unit (ITPU) at the LSE. He also teaches extensively on executive education programmes for governments and the private sector. |
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Piergiorgio Valente: Confédération Fiscale Européenne (CFE) Tax Advisers Europe (President), IAFEI Chairman Technical Committee, Professor Link Campus University (Crowe Valente/Valente Associati GEB Partners). |
Editorial Board
Antoni Font Ribas. Professor Emeritus of Commercial Law at the University of Barcelona.
Patricio Masbernat. University Saint Thomas of Chile · Director of Research and Postgraduate. LLM - Ph. D. Comparative Law. Chile.
Germán Orón Moratal. Full Professor of Financial & Tax Law. University Jaume I of Castellon. Spain.
Xavier Fernández Pons. Associate professor of Public International Law. University of Barcelona.
Jesús Ramos Prieto. Full Professor of Financial and tax Law (emeritus). Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla. Spain.
Santiago Ibáñez Marsilla. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Valencia. Customs UE Jean Monnet Chair
Marta Bueno Salinas. Professor of Law History. University of Barcelona.
Alessandro Turina. Senior research associate at the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) on international and European tax law.
Antonio Cubero Truyo. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Sevilla. Spain.
Andreu Olesti Rayo. Full Professor of International Public Law. University of Barcelona.
Eva Andrés Aucejo. Full Professor of Financial & Tax Law. University of Barcelona.
International Advisory Committee
Coordinator: Patricio Masbernat
Mézang Akamba. Expert/Delegate for the Economic and Financial Committee of the United Nations (United Nations, Second Committee), ECOSOC, New York, EE.UU.
Professor Michael Hahn. Managing Director, Institute of European and International Economic Law IEW. Director, World Trade Institute WTI. Universität Bern. www.wti.org Switzerland.
Francesca Daverio. Sr. Counsel and Special Assistant to the Sr. Vice President and Group General Counsel, The World Bank. Washington. United States.
Caroline Edery: Head of Unit in the Taxation and Customs Union Directorate-General DG TAXUD European Commission (EU) Head of the Unit “Protection of citizens and enforcement of IPR” in the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs. European Union.
Don S. Da Amicis. B.A. Harvard; J.D. Harvard. Graduate Programs Professor. Georgetown University Law Center (Comparative and Foreign Law. International Business and investment. International Finance. International Law. International Trade). Georgetown University. Washington. United States.
Wolfgang W. Kraft Ph.D. Founder WCLF - World Council for Law Firms & Justice.Wiesbaden, Hesse, Alemania
Åsa Gunnarsson. Full Professor. Institution: Umeå University. City and State: Umeå, Sweden.
Gribnau, Hans. Full Professor, professor by special appointment. Tilburg University, Leiden University. Moergestel, Netherlands.
Roberto Cippitani. Università degli Studi di Perugia. Jean Monnet Chairholder (Full professor) of Biolaw. Perugia. Italy.
Bergé Jean-Sylvestre
Professeur à l’Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, GREDEG. IDEX UCAJEDNice – France
Manuela Fernández Junquera. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Oviedo. Spain.
Santiago Ripoll Carulla.Full Professor of Public International Law. Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Head of the Legal Department of the Foreign Affairs Spanish Ministry. Spain.
Isbel García-Ovíes Sandareses. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Oviedo. Spain.
Miranda Stewart | Professor. Tax Group | Melbourne Law School. Honorary Professor | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | The University of Melbourne. Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University. Melbourne. Australia.
Patricio Masbernat. University Saint Thomas of Chile · Director of Research and Postgraduate. LLM - Ph. D. Comparative Law. Chile.
Jérôme Monsenego. Professor of International Tax Law. Stockholm University SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.
Maria Vittoria Serranò. Professore Ordinario di Diritto Tributario. Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Giuridiche. Università degli Studi di Messina. Italy
Michal Radvan. Vice-dean for foreign and external affairs Associate professor. Masaryk university | Faculty of Law Department of Financial Law and Economics. Czechia. Europe. E: michal.radvan@law.muni.cz | W: www.law.muni.cz
Karen Brown. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. George Washington University. Washington. United States.
Romualdo Bermejo García. Full Professor of Public International Law. University of Leon (emeritus). Researcher associate at the University of Bern. Leon and Switzerland.
Blanca Moreno-Dodson. Director of the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI). United Nations Office for Project Services. Marseille. France.
William Byrnes. Executive Professor of Texas A&M University School of Law as well as an Affiliated Faculty member of the Texas A&M University Energy Institute and a Research Affiliate of the Texas A&M University Institute of Data Sciences. Texas. USA.
Elena Lauroba Lacasa. Full Professor of Civil Law. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Faisal Ahmed. Ph.D., MLSU, Udaipur; Master of International Business Management, AMU, Aligarh; Executive Certification in Geopolitical Analysis, IEGG, Geneva. Professor. FORE School of Management.New Delhi, India
Elisa Baroncini. Professore ordinario di Diritto internazionale. Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche. Full Professor of International Law. Bologna, Italy. elisa.baroncini@unibo.it
Costantino Grasso. Associate Professor in Business and Law. Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Rita de la Feria. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Leeds. United Kingdom.
Néstor Carmona Fernández. Head of the National Office of International Taxation of the Spanish Tax Administration Agency (former). Management position of scientific journals in tax matters. A recognized expert in international taxation.
Lorraine Eden. Professor Emerita in Management and Research Professor of Law 2020-2023. Dean of the Fellows and 2017-2018 President, Academy of International Business. Texas A&M University, College Station. Texas. United States.
David Deputy. Director of Strategic Development, Vertex, Inc. Adjunct Professor, Texas A&M Law School. President Accounting Blockchain Coalition. United States. USA.
Milena Jovanović Zattila. Faculty of Law, University of Niš. Full Professor / Department of Commercial Law. Niš, Serbia.
Larry A. Di Matteo, B.A., B.A., J.D., LL.M, Ph.D. Huber Hurst Professor of Contract Law & Legal Studies. Affiliate Professor, Levin College of Law. Affiliate Professor, Center for European Studies. University of Florida, U.S.A
Mateo Jarrin Cuvi. Global Manager for Partners & Media. International Governance and Compliance Association. www.igca.org London. England.
Shelley Griffiths. Institution Faculty of Law. Position Professor and Dean of Law. Dunedin, New Zealand. (NZ does not have states).
Marcelo Campos. Brazilian Academy of Tax Law. Position: Academician and Chairman of the Board of Directors. São Paulo -SP, Brazil
Ernesto Eseverri Martínez. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Granada. Spain.
Dr. George L. Salis, Principal Economist and Tax Policy Advisor at Vertex, Inc., and Adjunct Professor of Graduate Tax Law and Transfer Pricing, at Texas A&M University Law School, and at The University of Florida Levin College of Law.” United States. USA.
Vicente Bagnoli. Mackenzie Presbyterian University – Law School. Professor of Law for undergraduate and graduate courses (LLM and PhD); head of Political and Economic Law Department of Mackenzie Law School. Sao Paulo – SP, Brazil.
Joanna Osiejewic. Associate Professor, Head of Department of International Legal Communication, Vice-Rector's Proxy for International Cooperation. Editor-in-Chief of the "Journal of International Legal Communication" (JILC) University of Warsaw. Warsam. Europe.
José Juste Ruiz. Full Professor of Public International Law. University of Valencia. Spain.
Suzana Tavares da Silva. Portuguese Supremo Administrative Court and Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. Judge / Associate Professor Lisboa / Coimbra
Maite Soler Roch. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Alicante. Spain.
Peter Koerver Schmidt. Copenhagen Business School. Professor with special responsibilities in tax law . Copenhagen, Denmark.
Luis Miguel Hinojosa Martínez. Full Professor of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Granada. Former Director of the European Documentation Center of the University of Granada.
Tomàs Font Rivas. Full Professor of Administrative Law. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Santiago Díaz de Serralde. Director of Studies and Research in the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) “Centro Interamericano de Agencias Tributarias”. Professor of Economy in the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Spain.
Elisenda Malaret. Full Professor of Administrative Law. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Julio Levene.
IJ International Legal Group. Project ManagerMaria Teresa Mata Sierra. Full Profesor of Financial and Tax Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leon. Director of the Public Law Department. A recognized expert in Fiscal harmonization in the European Union. University of Leon. Spain.
Aurora Ribes Ribes. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Alicante. Spain.
Cristina González Beilfuss. Full Professor in Private International Law. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Maria del Mar Campins Eritja. Professor in Public International Law (European Community Law) at the Section of International Law and International relations of the Universitat de Barcelona's School of Law since 1994. Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair on Environmental EU Law. Main fields of teaching and research are: International Environmental Law and European Union Environmental Law, as well as institutional European Community Law.
Adriano Di Pietro. Università degli Studi di Bologna. Ph.D. coordinator and director of the European School of Advanced Tax Studies of the University of Bologna. He is director of the Giurisprudenza delle imposte and Studi Tributari Europei Riviste. Bologne. Italy.
Esther Arroyo Amayuelas. Full Professor of Civil Law at the University of Barcelona and Holder of the EU Jean Monnet Chair of Private Law at the University of Barcelona. Spain.
Manuel Broseta Dupré. President - Chairman & Senior Partner of the “Broseta Lawyers” firm. Spain · Portugal · Switzerland · Red Legal Iberoamericana.
Inmaculada Barral Viñals. Full Professor of Civil Law. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Checa González González. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Extremadura. Spain.
Michael Zavaleta Alvarez. ZavaRod Group / UNIFE (Perú) / Faculdade Brasileira da Tributação (Brazil). CEO, M&A, Tax and Legal ZavaRod Group / Coordinador de Investigaciones Juridicas de la UNIFE (Perú) / Co-Academic Director del Global MBA Tx Management and Compliance da Faculdade Brasileira da Tributação (Brazil). Lima, Perú.
Yamila González Ferrer. Full Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Havana. Vice President of the Cuban Society of Civil and Family Law of the National Union of Jurists of Cuba.
Paul Van Der Smite: Legal and Strategic Advisor International Recovery of Tax Claims of the Central Liaison Office of the Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration. Netherlands.
Juan López Rodríguez. Tax Policy Adviser at European Commission Ph.D. in law. Expert in fiscal and tax policies (Economic and Finance Ministry of the Spanish Government and of the Commission Services). Brussels.
Franco Paparella. Università del Salento. Full Professor of Tax Law. Lecce, Italy.
Xavier Fernández Pons. Associate Professor of Public International Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Javier Lasarte: Full Professor of Financial and tax Law (emeritus). Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla. Spain.
Armando Osorno. Full Professor of Public International Law. Universidad de Puebla, México.
Eugenio Simón Acosta. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law (emeritus). University of Navarra. Spain.
Juan Arrieta Martínez de Pisón. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain.
María Amparo Peris Salas. President of the professional criminology association of the Valencian Autonomous Community. President of the Valencian mediation institution, attached to the Ministry of Justice- IVMED. Valencia. Spain.
Rubén Méndez Reategui. Professor of the Autonomous University of Chile. Visiting professor of the Technologic University of Perú and Externado University of Colombia. Phd in Economy by the Macquarie University (Australia) and Complutense University of Madrid. Doctor in SSCC (University Rey Juan Carlos I de Madrid. Spain)
Joana Abriesketa. Associate Professor of Public International Law. Deusto University. Bilbao. Spain.
Miguel Ángel Collado Yurrita. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of "Castilla la Mancha". Spain.
Susana Bokobo. Attorney General of The Supreme Court of Spain, an International Tax Lawyer, Professor, Author and Creative Entrepreneur based in Madrid, Spain.
Guillermo Palao Moreno. Full Professor of Private International Law. University of Valencia. Spain.
João Félix Pinto Nogueira. Professor at the University of Lisbon. Portugal.
Felipe Palao Ramírez. Full Professor of Commercial Law. Polytechnic University of Valencia. España.
Marta Gonzalo Quiroga. Professor of Public International Law. Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Spain.
Vicenç Aguado. Full Professor of Administrative Law. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Jesús Ramos Prieto. Full Professor of Financial and tax Law. Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla. Spain.
Lilly Pavlou. Director. QUBE Events. Ireland.
Alfonso García-Moncó. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Alcalá de Henares. Spain.
Anna Badia Martí. Full Professor of Public International Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Víctor Gómez Martín. Full Professor of Penal Law and Criminology. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Dra. Blanca Zenteno. Professor of Public International Law. Universidad de Puebla, México.
Miguel Ángel Martínez Lago. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Lay. Complutense University of Madrid. Spain.
Francisco Magraner Moreno. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Valencia. Spain.
Juan José Hinojosa Torralvo. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Malaga. Spain.
Diego L. Restrepo, U.S. Accountant Certified Public Accountants (CPA); U.S. Master in Tax; U.S. Attorney; U.S. Tax Doctor (LLM in Tax). USA.
Juli Ponce Solé. Full Professor of Administrative Law. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Antonio José Sánchez Pino. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Huelva. Spain.
Maite Vilalta. Professor of Financial Law. Faculty of Economics. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Florían García Berro. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Sevilla. Spain.
Eugenia Ortuño. Full Professor of Roman Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Santiago Ibáñez Marcilla. Associate Professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Valencia. Customs UE Jean Monnet Chair.
Amparo Grau Ruiz. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. Complutense University of Madrid. Spain.
Antonio Cubero Truyo. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Sevilla. Spain.
Pedro Colao. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Department of legal sciences. Polytechnic University of Cartagena. Spain.
Joan Pagès i Galtés. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. Rovira I Virgili University of Tarragona. Spain.
Angel Urquizo. Full Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. Rovira I Virgili University of Tarragona. Spain.
Andrés Uribe, Certified Public Accountants (CPA); Bachelor in Accounting, Universidad EAFIT; Bachelor in Accounting, Florida International University
Iñaki Rivera. Professor of Criminal Law. University of Barcelona. Spain.
Patricio Salvador Navy. Lawyer, an expert in international trade, maritime and transport law. Bankruptcy administrator and mediator. Valencia. Spain.
Ángel Rodrigo. Professor of Public International Law. Faculty of Law. Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona
Pedro Carrasco. Professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Faculty of Law. Spain.
Albert Font Segura. Professor of Private International Law. Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona.
Luis Viñuales Sebastián: Lawyer. “Uría & Menéndez” Partner
Laura Huici. Associate Professor of Public International Law. Member of the Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Environmental Law (EUEL). University of Barcelona.
Peer Review Committee
Miguel Pecho. International Monetary Fund. Washington. United States. Senior economist (FAD) at International Monetary Fund. International Monetary Fund. UCL. Washington, District of Columbia, United States. Expert in: International Taxation; Domestic Taxation; International tax cooperation; Global taxation.
Antonio Remiro Brotons. Full Professor of Public International Law (former). Autonomous University of Madrid. Expert in: International Law, International cooperation, Trade Law, Treaties, ADR, etc.
Piergiorgio Valente. Confédération Fiscale Européenne (CFE) Tax Advisers Europe (President), IAFEI Chairman Technical Committee, Professor Link Campus University (Crowe Valente/Valente Associati GEB Partners). Expert in: International taxation; Domestic taxation; International trade; Digital Economy, Global Tax Governance.
Marta Gonzalo Quiroga. Profesora Titular de Derecho Internacional Privado. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Expert in: Conflict resolution systems/Sistemas de resolución conflicto; International Trade /Comercio international; Sustainable development goals; ADR and litigation.
Patricio Masbernat. University Saint Thomas of Chile · Director of Research and Postgraduate. LLM - Ph. D. Comparative Law. Chile. Expert in Taxation: direct taxation, general taxation, comparative taxation, environmental taxation, Energy taxation, …
Romualdo Bermejo Castillo. Full Professor of Public International Law and International Relations. He has a doctorate in Law from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and a Diploma from the University Institute of Higher International Studies in Geneva, the University Institute of European Studies in this same city, and the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg. He has developed his academic teaching career in various universities in Spain, particularly in those of Alicante, Valencia and León, and that of Visiting Professor at the University of Friborg (Switzerland). His main research lines have focused on international economic law and the use of force in the field of international law, and the various armed conflicts that have occurred in recent decades.
Lluís Caballol Angelat. Associate Professor of Procesal Law. Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona. Expert in alternative dispute resolutions, procedural civil law, legal research, gender violence, etc.
Arnulfo Sánchez García. Profesor Titular Derecho Civil. Internacional. Director de Atención Jurídica Académica Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León -México. Expert in: International recruitment /Contratación internacional; International Trade /Comercio internacional; Conflict resolution systems/Sistemas de resolución conflicto; Global Economy Policies on international taxtion, international trade, customs law, ADR and litigation, etc. Researching in policy making on global economic governance.
José Juste Ruiz. Professor Emeritus of International Law. University of Valencia Member of the Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean. Member of the Specialized Panel for Arbitration of International Disputes Relating to Natural Resources and/or the Environment (Permanent Court of Arbitration) ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8856-4251. M
Guillermo Palao Taboada. Full Professor of Private International Law. University of Valencia. Spain. Expert on international cooperation, private international law, international recruitment, international treaties, etc.
Jesús Ramos Prieto. Full professor of Financial and Tax Law at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, of whose Department of Public Law he has been Director (2012- 2020). He has been Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law and General Director for the European Higher Education Area at said University. Author of numerous publications and contributions to national and international congresses, conferences and seminars, he has been a member of various research projects and is a member of the European School of Advanced Tax Studies of Bologna, of the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors, of the Spanish Association of Financial Law and of the Network of Professors of the discipline. He has made stays at the Universities of Strasbourg, Bologna and Paris-Est Créteil.
Jordi Bonet. Full Professor of Public Financial Law of the University of Barcelona. Current Director of the Department of International Law and Economics at the University of Barcelona. Coordinator of the consolidated research group Area of Public International Law and International Relations recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR-1151).Coordinator of the Teaching Innovation Group Area of Public International Law and International Relations recognized by the University of Barcelona (GIDUB 13-004). Former member of the Board of the Institute of Human Rights of Catalonia and of the Board of the DESC Observatory.
Xavier Fernández Pons. Associate Professor of Public International Law. Member of the Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Environmental Law (EUEL). University of Barcelona.
Julio Ponce Solé. Full Professor of Administrative Law. University of Barcelona. Expert in: International administrative law; special and general part of administrative law, recruitment administrative law, cooperative societies law.
Alessandro Valente. Manager of tax and legal matters at Crowe Valente/ Valente Associati GEB Partners. Alessandro advises multinational clients on local and international tax and legal matters. He also advises on TP matters such as group planning, defence, documentation, benchmarking analysis, unilateral APA, bilateral APA, as well as on legal tech matters. Alessandro holds degrees from the University of East Anglia, the University of Miami and the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. He is a member of the Tax Technology committee – CFE Tax Advisers Europe, serves as the Co-chair of the Ethics and Sustainable Development group and is a member of the Digitalised Economy group of the International CFOs Association. He is also a regular contributor to specialised publications in the field of tax and TP both in Italy and abroad. Expert on International Tax Law, Commercial Law, International Trade, Customs.
Sergi Cardenal. Associate Professor of Penal Law. University of Barcelona. Penal Law and corruption; Fundamentals of criminal law and general theory of crime, System of criminal justice and security.
Carlo Pilia. Professor of civil law at the University of Cagliari, Italy. Expert in: International and European banking system, Conflict resolution systems / Sistemas de resolución de conflicto.
Alberto García Moreno. Associate professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Valencia. Spain. Expert in Direct Taxation, Corporate Tax Law; Indirect Taxation, Customs, Environmental Taxation.
Maria Teresa Moríes Jiménez. Associate Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Sevilla. Expert in Direct Taxation, Taxation of the Collaborative Economy, Tax Compliance, Property and Real Estate Taxes, etc.
Jose Luis Bosch Cholbi. Associate professor of Financial and Tax Law. University of Valencia. Spain. Expert in Direct Taxation, Corporate Tax Law; Indirect Taxation, Customs, Environmental Taxation.
Ester Manchancoses. Associate Professor of the University of Valencia. Spain. Expert in International taxation, Tax Fraude, Exchange of tax information, Taxation of the collaborative platforms, environment taxation, etc.
Katerine Perrou. Post-doctoral Researcher and Assistant Lecturer in Tax Law at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University of London, UK and at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. General Secretary of the Greek IFA Branch. Currently, she serves as Legal Counsel to the Governor of the Greek Independent Authority for Public Revenue. Expert in Taxpayers’ rights, Alternative dispute resolution, International Taxation.
Marta González Aparicio. Assistant Professor of Tax Law at Faculty of Law, University of Leon, Spain. Expert in Direct Taxation, Transfer pricing, Tax prescription, Taxation of Cryptocurrencies and other tax matters and bank taxation issues.
Rafael Guash Martorell.
Carmen Uriol Egido. Assistant Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Faculty of Law. University of Valencia. Expert in Direct and Indirect Taxation, Business taxation, etc.
Graciela Lovece. Expert in Direct Taxation, Tax Fraud, Tax Procedures, European Union taxation, Customs, Environmental Taxation. ltad de Derecho UBA -Argentina- de la materia Contratos Civiles y Comerciales, Derecho Civil área Daños, Contratos, Consumidor y Derecho a la salud. Profesora Titular Derecho Económico en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas UBA y Co- Directora de la Carrera de Especialización en Derecho a la Salud además de dirigir diversos seminarios de Posgrado. Expert in: International recruitment /Contratación internacional; Conflict resolution systems/Sistemas de resolución conflicto.
Vicente Pérez Daudí. Full Professor of Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona.
Rafael Guash Martorell. Associate Professor of Commercial Law. University of Barcelona. Expert in Corporate law and bankruptcy law, “Shareholders, Loans in the Close Corporations”, Financial structure of commercial companies, etc.
Daniel Espina. Associate Professor of Commercial Law. University of Barcelona. Expert in Uniform Terminology for European Private Law (EU Fifth Framework Programme: Improving Human Potential); Regulación y gestión de Servicios de interés general y espacios públicos, etc.
Isabel Viola Demestre. Associate Professor of Civil Law. University of Barcelona. Co-directora de la Clínica jurídica en derecho inmobiliario y mediación residencial (dret al Dret), expert in: Enforceability of Agreements resulting from Mediation, ADR in private Law, Derecho Civil Patrimonial, Derecho Civil de la Persona, Online Dispute resolution y consumidores, Gestión y resolución de conflictos.
Silvia Gómez. Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Barcelona. Expert in International Commercial Law; trade Law, recruitment law, etc.
Mónica Navarro Michel. Associate Professor of Civil Law. University of Barcelona. Expert in Civil Liability; health law; right of personality; Protection of vulnerable people.
Ramón Villaroig. Associate Professor of the Jaume I University of Castellón. Expert in: Direct and indirect taxation, international taxation, and the special taxation regimen.
Francesca Tizi. Professor of Derecho Procesal Civil at the University of Perugia, Italy. Expert in: Sistemas de resolución conflicto (Conflict resolution systems) y Global Economy Policies on international taxtion. International trade, customs law, ADR and litigation, etc. Researching in policymaking on global economic governance.
Diego González Ortíz. Professor of Financial and Tax Law at the Faculty of Law of the Jaume I University of Castellón. Spain.
Mari Cruz Barreiro Carril. Associate Professor of Tax Law at the University of Vigo. Spain. Visiting researcher at IBFD; the WU Vienna University and the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance and the NYU.
Carlos Pedrosa López. Fellow F.P.I. of the Department of Financial and Tax Law of the Carlos III University of Madrid, specializing in International Tax Law. He graduated in Law and Business Administration and Management. Master in Tax Consulting and Taxation. Expert in International Tax law and international tax law.
Andrés Winkelmann. Tax Manager. International Tax and Aviation Finance Lawyer @PwC Ireland. Expert on International Taxation, transfer pricing, digital economy, etc.
Laura Huici. Associate Professor of Public International Law. Member of the Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Environmental Law (EUEL). University of Barcelona.
Juan Luis Domínguez. Associate Professor of Accounting. University of Barcelona. Faculty of Economy. Adjunct Professor of Finance and Accounting and Program Academic Coordinator at CUNEF (previously at other international educational institutions). Formerly, Finance and Business Manager with more than 20 years of experience in several industries.
Marina Aucejo Ibánez. Degree in Biology from the University of Valencia (Erasmus University of Sheffield). Master in Ecology, Management and Restoration of the natural environment at the University of Barcelona. Master's thesis at CREAF and JAE Intro Scholarship CSIC (Doñana).
Nathan Goths. Tax Accountant and Advisor in Spain and Belgium, his country of origin. He specializes in international taxation and asset mobility, such as taxation of non-residents, fiscal immigration and expatriation, international succession and tax optimization. PhD candidate in international tax law at the University of Barcelona (Director: Eva Andrés).
Yamila González Ferrer. Profesora Titular de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Habana. Vicepresidenta de la Sociedad Cubana de Derecho Civil y de Familia de la Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba. Expert in: Sustainable development goals; Development cooperation / Cooperación al desarrollo; Conflict resolution systems/Sistemas de resolución conflicto; ADR and litigation.
José Miguel Martínez-Carrasco Pignatelli. Professor of Financial and Tax Law area of knowledge. Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Dr. Alina del Carmen Nettel Barrera. Coordinadora de la Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencias Jurìdicas. Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Expert in: Administrative Law, International Administrative governance.
Ernani Contipelli. Profesor de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile. Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Commercial Law.
Marina Aucejo Ibañez. Biologist expert in biodiversity and resource conservation, ERASMUS + University of Valencia and University of Sheffield. Master's degree in ecology, management and restoration of the natural environment from the UB. JAE Fellow (CSIC).
Jorge Marcelino Junior. Sao Paulo. Lawyer. Ph.D. in Law. University of Barcelona. Doctor (summa cum laude) in Law and Political Sciences at Barcelona University; Invited researcher at Centre d’études sur la fiscalité des entreprises, in Paris; invited researcher at IFA and invited researcher at IBFD. Invited professor of the master program on International Taxation in Latin America (Master II - Fiscalité Internationale) at the University Paris II; Attorney specialist in Wealth Planning, Offshore Centers Structures and Foreign Direct Investment. Expert in: International Taxation, Tax Fraud, Domestic Taxation, Customs, International trade.
Gladis Ruiz Gómez. Profesora de Derecho Civil e Internacional -Derechos Humanos-Coordinadora de Internacionalización Universidad Simón Bolívar Barranquilla (Colombia). Expert in: Sustainable development goals, Development cooperation / Cooperación al desarrollo, Conflict resolution systems/Sistemas de resolución conflicto.
Eugenia Simón Yarza. Professor of the Faculty of Law. University of Navarra. Expert in direct taxation and double taxation.
Francisco Javier Gorjón Gómez. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León -México-Presidente de la Asociacion Internacional de Doctores en MASC/President of the International Association of Doctors of alternative conflict resolution methods. Expert in: Conflict resolution systems/Sistemas de resolución conflicto International recruitment /Contratación internacional; International Trade /Comercio internacional.
Pilar Trinidad Núñez. Profesora Titular de Derecho Internacional Público. Secretaria General de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Expert in: Sustainable development goals; International financial institutions and International Relations; Development cooperation / Conflict resolution systems.
Alex Ortega. Lawyer. Ph.D. in Law. University of Barcelona. Expert in: Indirect Taxation, International Taxation, Customs, Environment taxation.
Mario Pires. Master in Taxation Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Senior Consultant Kreston Iberaudit - Taxation - Transfer Prices. Tutor of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT). PhD candidate in international tax law at the University of Barcelona (Director: Eva Andrés). Expert in: International Taxation: transfer pricing, digital economy, tax collection procedures, etc.
Sandra Sevillano. PhD candidate in international tax law at the University of Barcelona (Director: Eva Andrés). He is also a Tax Accountant and Advisor in Perú. Professor of Taxation. Católica Universidad Pontificia del Perú.
Logos design: Eva Andrés-Aucejo & César Jesse Enríquez Rodríguez
Support IT & graphical design: César Jesse Enríquez Rodríguez
Digital rights and legal property: Eva Andrés-Aucejo