Impact of the New International Tax Principles on International Investment Agreements (IIA) and Geographical Strategies of Multinational Companies
New Tax Rules for The New Economic Scenario
International Taxation, OECD, BEPS, Pillar 1, Pillar 2, Source jurisdiction, GloBE, IIA, UN Model, UN, Multilateral Convention Framework, International CooperationAbstract
The international taxation based on physical presence is obsolete. Since 2015, the OECD and the G20 have worked toward fairer tax rules. Countries have adopted Pillars 1 and 2 of the Inclusive Framework, aiming to tax companies at the source and establish a global minimum tax rate of 15%. While Pillar 1 remains on hold, Pillar 2 is already in effect in several countries. Significant advances have also been made in tax transparency and information exchange (mainly by the Global Forum), aiming to reduce illicit financial flows and gradually eliminate tax havens. The UN resolution of November 22, 2023, establishes an Ad Hoc Committee to develop the Draft Terms of Reference for a Multilateral Framework Convention (UN General Assembly A/AC.295/2024/L.4, 2024), thereby encouraging more inclusive and effective international cooperation on tax matters. This new scenario influences investment agreement negotiations and the geographic structure of transnational companies.
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