First Number Page Image - UN with international + EU flags and WTO logo

About the Journal

Review of International and European Economic Law (RIEEL) is a semestral international peer-reviewed diamond open-access journal publishing the most relevant research in the following scientific editorial lines:

  1. International Economic Law
  2. International and European Taxation
  3. Trade Law, including both the international law of the World Trade Organization and GATT and domestic trade laws
  4. Global Tax Governance and Global Economy Governance
  5. Funding of sustainable development
  6. European Economic Law
  7. International investments
  8. International Financial Law
  9. Customs law, Customs taxation and Customs Cooperation
  10. International recruitment 
  11. Sustainable development goals
  12. International and European banking system  
  13. International Business regulation, with special mention to antitrust or competition law, environmental regulation, and product safety regulation
  14. International financial institutions and International Relations 
  15. Development cooperation
  16. International economic cooperation
  17. International tax Cooperation
  18. Taxation, Education and Morality
  19. Tax and criminal compliance
  20. Private International Law.
  21. Environmental taxation
  22. Conflict resolution systems: conventionals and ADR
  23. Global tax Governance
  24. Covid 19 and the Global Economy

The Review of International and European Economic Law is an outcome of the excellence network Der-9087-REDT-G.O.T.A. INTAXCOOP & GOV: "The global observatory of tax agencies: towards international tax cooperation and global tax governance"; in collaboration with the Global Tax Policy Center of Vienna and other members of international and regional (EU) organizations, research centers, universities and multinationals.





Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 5 (2024): The new United Nations Tax Convention on International Cooperation in Tax Matter. Artificial inteligence and digitalization of tax administrations

Select articles that are published online before they are printed. There may be some editing adjustments between the initial version issued and the final printed edition.



Published: 2024-03-24

Review article

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