Russia & the World Trade Organization (WTO): a success despite political difficulties (in Spanish)


  • Romualdo Bermejo García


Collapse of the USSR Russia's accession to the WTO, Russia and the Dispute Settlement Mechanism


The collapse of the USSR, and the consequences it brought with it, some of which we are still suffering today, did not prevent Russia from joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the epicentre of international trade and one of the pillars of the free market. Its entrance to this Organisation entailed certain difficulties in complying with the conditions required of any Member, be it a State or a customs territory, but Russia has managed to come out of it not only by complying with the provisions of the Organisation itself, but also by going even further. What is more, although its historical record shows great reluctance to accept international jurisdictions, this has not prevented it from applying for membership of the Organisation, which requires its Members to accept the Dispute Settlement Mechanism provided for in the Treaty establishing the Organisation itself. Today, Russia is, since its accession in 2012, a Member that actively participates in the Dispute Settlement Body and is respectful of its decisions.

Author Biography

Romualdo Bermejo García


Professor of Public International Law and International Relations. He has a doctorate in Law from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and a Diploma from the University Institute of Higher International Studies in Geneva, the University Institute of European Studies in this same city, and the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg. He has developed his academic teaching career in various universities in Spain, particularly in those of Alicante, Valencia and León, and that of Visiting Professor at the University of Friborg (Switzerland). His main research lines have focused on international economic law and the use of force in the field of international law, and the various armed conflicts that have occurred in recent decades.


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How to Cite

Bermejo García, R. . (2022). Russia & the World Trade Organization (WTO): a success despite political difficulties (in Spanish). Review of International and European Economic Law, 1(1), 38–54. Retrieved from