Reference Terms Project of the UNITED NATIONS Tax Convention on International Cooperation in Tax Matters


  • Jefrey Owens University of Vienna
  • Eva Andrés University of Barcelona
  • Antonio Remiro Brotons Emeritus International Public Law in the Autonomous University of Madrid
  • Marco Nicoli UNIDROIT
  • Xavier Fernández Pons Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Environmental Law (EUEL) & University of Barcelona
  • William Byrnes Professor of Law at Texas A&M University School of Law. Tenured


UN Tax Convention, international tax cooperation, holistic convention, substantive elements, procedural elements, tax principles


This article contains a project of the Terms of Reference to create the New International Convention on International Cooperation in Tax Matters pursuant to United Nations Resolutions: AC.295/2024/1 and Res. 78/230

Author Biographies

Jefrey Owens, University of Vienna

Jeffrey Owens

Former Director of the W.U. Global Tax Policy Center (WU GTPC) at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law W.U. (Vienna University of Economics and Business). Senior Policy Advisor to the Global Vice Chair of Tax at EY, to the United Nations Tax Committee, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and UNCTAD

Eva Andrés, University of Barcelona


Professor of Financial and Tax Law at University of Barcelona Director of Review of International and European Economic Law. Dir. of Global Observatory on International Tax Cooperation and Global Governance. Consultant of the Global Forum of the World Bank. Observer of the United Nations Tax Committee (2019-23

Antonio Remiro Brotons, Emeritus International Public Law in the Autonomous University of Madrid


Emeritus International Public Law in the Autonomous University of Madrid. Member of the Institut de Droit International. Counsel and Lawyer for many different American countries and Spain under the International Court of Justice and arbitral tribunals.

Marco Nicoli, UNIDROIT

Marco Nicoli

Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank: former Senior Project Manager Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development Senior Knowledge Management Officer from the World Bank. Special officer of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Xavier Fernández Pons, Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Environmental Law (EUEL) & University of Barcelona


Associate Professor of Public International Law at  University of Barcelona Member of the Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Environmental Law (EUEL).

William Byrnes, Professor of Law at Texas A&M University School of Law. Tenured

william_byrnes_may_2008.jpgProfessor of Law at Texas A&M University School of Law.   Tenured. Law professor in 2005 at St. Thomas University School of Law and in 2008 Associate Dean at Thomas Jefferson School of Law. Post Graduate Programs Director for Non-US Lawyers, and the Executive Committee of Graduate Programs for Non-US Lawyers.


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FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT- PREPARATORY WORK N. 1 UNIDROIT. Rome - International Meeting. (I Preparatory work). International Meeting (2018). The Framework Agreement on International Tax Cooperation and Global Tax Governance (and other Global Tax Policy Models ongoing UN 2030 & Addis Ababa Action Agendas). (I Preparatory Work). Capacity Building- POLICY MAKING: GlobalTax Policies on International Tax Cooperation and Global Tax Governance. ROME; Tuesday, 26 March 2018. Venue: UNIDROIT. Dirs. Jeffrey Owens, Marco Nicoli, Eva Andrés-Aucejo. Rapporteur: Eva ANDRÉS-AUCEJO. Article Review. Review of International and European Economic Law. N. 5, 2025, March 2024.

FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT- PREPARATORY WORK N. 2 International Congress (2021). “Policy-making on International Economic Law Conference” Toward a new Global Tax Treaty on International Tax Cooperation and Global Tax Governance (II Preparatory work ). September 30 th 2021. Faculty of Law University of Barcelona. Dir. Eva Andrés.

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ANDRÉS AUCEJO, Eva (2019). Policymaking in global tax policies on modernized/sustainable tax administrations, international tax cooperation and global tax governance architecture, ongoing 2030 UN and ADDIS ABABA ACTION AGENDAS, UB, January 2019.

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How to Cite

Owens, J., Andrés, E., Remiro Brotons, A., Nicoli, M., Fernández Pons, X., & Byrnes, W. (2024). Reference Terms Project of the UNITED NATIONS Tax Convention on International Cooperation in Tax Matters. Review of International and European Economic Law, 3(5), 5.1–5.20. Retrieved from

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