The rise and fall of the global pact for the environment



International environmental law, UNG Resolution 73/33, Global pact for the environment


This article presents a study of the International environmental law as a fragmented system, as well as the following subjects: The French initiative for a global pact for the environment; The process towards a global pact for the environment at the United Nations and the implementation of UNGA Resolution 73/33 on the way forward. It ends with a critical appraisal of the process towards a global pact for the environment.

Author Biography

José Juste Ruiz, Professor Emeritus of International Law. University of Valencia


Professor Emeritus of International Law. University of Valencia Member of the Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean. Member of the Specialized Panel for Arbitration of International Disputes Relating to Natural Resources and/or the Environment (Permanent Court of Arbitration)


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How to Cite

Juste Ruiz, J. . (2022). The rise and fall of the global pact for the environment. Review of International and European Economic Law, 1(1), 28–37. Retrieved from